Monday, January 12, 2009

Face Book Messages and Emails

Habitudes™ has been one of the most insightful and practical leadership tools I have been exposed to. As a student leader of an organization with more than half a million junior high and high school members, it was easy to put the Habitudes™ to work in my own life and teach them to other young people I met along the way. Whether it’s the Joshua Problem, Floods and Rivers, Bit Market, or Hosts and Guests you will find ALL the Habitudes™ relevant, challenging, and life transforming!”

Morgan C. Parker


The book Habitudes™ impacted my life in many ways. The book took ordinary lessons and objects and transformed them into practical life lessons. I have come away after reading that book with more insight and wisdom than before. I look forward to using the Habitudes™ for His Princess, the non-profit organization I plan to start. I have typed out key points from Habitudes™ and put them under leadership laws to guide my non-profit organization. I am so thankful that I took time to read this book. It has changed my way of thinking and has better prepared me to become the leader God wants me to be and impact the world in which I live!

Kate Unger


Well, my favorite Habitude™ is the mirror effect. I think about this daily, everywhere you go you are molding and influencing individuals around you. Now in leadership, I teach this principle by telling people around me that I do not expect more of them than I do from myself. They are going to do what they see being done. And we are always to remember to strive to reflect Christ in all we do.

Dustin Bowers


I first encountered the Habitudes™ after my 2nd year of college and they were the books that compelled me to be the leader God desired me to be and compelled me to aspire to be a leader that leads from Character. I think these books will are probably one of the best books series on leadership written and will serve as a extremely beneficial tool for any aspiring leader. Also, these are a great tool to motivate teenagers to lead and offer ver practical biblicial insights on leadership; I recommend every youth pastor to make the investment in this valuable asset.

Don Rayman


I attended a Habitudes™ event in Egypt in "kasr aldobara" church last October...
and it totally changed my life, my way of thinking, the way i dream, the way I do influence people..
I got out form these three days knowing that I'm leader whatever the part I represent in work, home or church even any place I step in for the first time.
One of the sentences Tim said and I will not forget was when he dies he wants to write down on his grave "He influenced the influencers". This moment I decided I will not walk away from that life without making a difference.
What I experience after that Habitude™ is every time I wake up I tell my self "be a host, not a guest". After this Habitude™ I started to think what I've achieved and what I'm supposed to do. Tim made me think clearly and orderly. I put all potentials I have on a paper and helped me to find out what I could do best and lead people around and help them. I was a flood but after this Habitude™ I started to think how to be a river.
I had a great opportunity to talk with "Holly". This was great for me as I look up to Tim and Her as "leadership Gods" !!
A month ago I started a study group "Disciplines of Christ School". And I'm a sub-leader for 5 people in our group. I think what I would do if I didn't be there in that Habitude™. Now I can influence people in my group. I can think more wisely.
These Habitudes™ changed my life.
Thank you Growing Leaders and God bless.

Jacqueline Kameel,


When I'm discussing a topic within leadership with one of the guys I mentor, I frequently will give them one of the Habitudes™ books and ask them to read a chapter for us to discuss the next time we meet. The images provide a meaningful way to remember a truth about "life-giving leadership."
Also, at several of the ACSD conferences, I've met with Tim Elmore briefly about thoughtful culture change. He has been immeasuably helpful in this regard on our campus. The Habitudes™ book (I think it's #4) on "the art of changing culture" as well as his book, "Leaders Everywhere" have been inspiring, encouraging, and challenging as I seek to create a culture of leaders leading in a way that gives glory to God and sanctification to his people.
Even though I've told Tim this before, I just want to say thank you so much for the way you've influenced me and helped the small seed of a thought to blossom into a garden with clarity and purpose.

Jeff Thompson
Resident Supervisor
Moody Bible Institute


I have used Habitudes™ to help with training Resident Assistants at the college level on learning to lead themselves. It has been a great resource for them and they enjoy the short lessons as they do not have time to read much. Also, it is a great way of communicating with them, as I can say "starving baker" and they know what I mean.

Kristina Baughman
Former Resident Director


I discovered Habitudes™ at Oral Roberts University's Ignite conference. Following the conference, I led a small discussion group in my dorm. The book's brilliance is its simplicity and honesty. We didn't have to discuss the content, wrestling over the author's intentions, because the lessons were simple. But we did discuss situations where these Habitudes™ images applied to each of our lives--sometimes the journeys we were currently in. These discussions allowed everyone to see how others internalized the images and lessons for themselves, how others applied these truths. The Habitudes™ discussions were enlightening for each of us.

I find myself keeping the book close by through the years for those moments when I think of the images and say to myself, "Now what did Tim say about this image again?" Sometimes I think of the images and make up my own interpretations and applications, trying to remember what Dr. Elmore said. After checking back with the book, I figured out I can think of some cool interpretations and new Habitudes™ images on my own! Habitudes™ is just a regular word in my vocabulary now. Thank you for it.

Clifford Paulick


I used one of the Habitudes™ as an RA on my floor at Oral Roberts University. The river and flood image really made a lasting impact in my mind when I heard Tim speak at an Ignite Conference so I decided to use it as the theme for my floor. At the beginning of the year, I explained the Habitude™ and challenged them on a regular basis to apply it to their lives. My best friend on the floor and I kept each other accountable to be rivers and not floods. We both had many opportunities to lead various activities at school throughout the year. Each time we prayed about the opportunites and discussed how they would affect our effectiveness as leaders. By appling this Habitude™ to our lives, we have become more focused and effective leaders!

At ORU we also had Sparks groups that met for about two months after our Ignite Conference in February. Sparks were coed mentor groups that met every week or so and discussed a Habitude™. I helped colead these groups and everyone enjoyed discussing the Habitudes™. The students that I met with said that Habitudes™ are great for students because they are short and easy to read. The images are so easy to recall and practical! Thanks Tim!

Krista Goff


The analogy of the river vs. the flood has certainly become an integrated part of my life. It has helped me prioritize my life's pursuits and to operate effectively, freeing my life from the dream-choking plague of busyness.

Daniel Mow


Habitudes™ has greatly influenced me as a leader. Through my reading of the Habitudes™ I have found out that character is absolutely essential to leading and that, by leading with character, we become the leader that God desires.

Don Rayman

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